
Where Are We?

My goal for having a blog is to have our life "in writing" . I do try to keep a very detailed baby book for Judah but that does not have much about Josh and I. So, here's an update on where we are in life.

Although it seems like Judah was just born, he is now almost 7 months old- 7 months on Monday to be exact. I cannot believe how quickly time has gone by since he was born! Judah is so much fun! Josh and I were talking as we were putting Judah to be last night about how much we LOVE this stage of his life. Each stage of Judah's life has been enjoyable but now he is getting his own personality- and watching it develop is great! Judah likes to play little games with us like peek-a-boo, or "Where's Judah?" as we call it. Playing games with him just makes him smile SO big and belly laugh.... WE LOVE IT!!! Our strong boy is sitting up and just transitioned into his big boy car seat last week, and let me tell you- HE THINKS HE IS HOT STUFF! He really enjoys facing forward and seeing everything as we pass by. Although he is not crawling, Josh wants him to so bad! He gets on the floor with Judah and does his best to get Judah to push up on all fours and crawl! To be honest, I am completely fine with him not crawling yet! We all know how crazy life will be once he does! Judah is also learning to wave! Judah truly is such an amazing blessing to us! We never knew how wonderful life would be with a child of our own until he arrived. Josh and I thank the Lord for him daily. We pray many, many blessing over his life. My prayer for Judah, ever since I found out I was pregnant with him, is that the Lord will use him for His glory and take him to the nations to spread His Word!

Josh is SO busy with life right now. He is, most importantly, an amazing husband and dad but also.... working full time (plus some) at Verizon, in school getting his masters in education to teach middle school, leading a middle school Bible study for guys, and leading a Bible Club through our church (New Hope) at Evan's Middle School.... he is one busy guy!

Since Judah has been born, I have been re-evaluating how I spend my time because we all know that being a parent changes everything! This is my life as of now (aside from being a wife and mom).... teaching 3rd grade at Brookwood Elementary, leading a high school Bible study for girls, and attending a small group Bible study with some AMAZING girls. I truly love and enjoy everything I am committed to. I realize how blessed I am to have the fantastic friends and family that I do!

So, this is where we are in life :)


  1. They are supposed to rear face until a year old or 25lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. According to my pediatrician, they can face the front once they are 20 pounds and able to sit up for 20 minutes. Judah is both. He LOVES facing the front!
