
Boot Camp

Where do I begin? Let me start at the beginning. First of all, I have NEVER been a "workout kind of girl". I DO NOT like to sweat, AT ALL!!! So, after having Judah, I was trying to get rid of the baby weight (believe me, I had a LOT to get off- all worth it)! I started dieting pretty soon after he was born. The weight was going, but the inches were not. Six weeks after JZ was born (Judah Zachry), I started spinning- and LOVED it! However, $100 a month was a bit too expensive for me. I did it for a month and then took some time off becuase I started back to work (JZ was 10 weeks). I started back the middle of October at the Evans Y and have been hooked ever since! I go 3 days a week before work. I really enjoy going in the mornings because it is not as crowded and I don't have to put JZ in the nursery there and it is good "me" time. I have started making some good relationships with my "spinning buddies" too! I guess I tell you all this as background for boot camp.
One of my spinning buddies, Dawn (who is a Workout Queen), told me that the Y was offering Boot Camp so I excitedly decided to do it... not knowing what I was getting myself into! Yesterday was the first morning of boot camp (we meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings). And let me tell you, I am feeling it today! I know people say all the time, "I didn't even know I had these muscles" well, I am saying that today! Arms, back, legs, stomach, EVERYWHERE hurts! The instructor, or should I say drill sergeant, is in the military herself so Boot Camp is the perfect name for it! She had us dying... I talking sit ups, push ups, running, 6 inches, windsprints, suicides, you name it, we did it! I was exhausted after that class!
This program is 6 weeks. During the 6 weeks, we will have 3 PT tests, our first being Saturday. I am curious to see what that will be like, but I can imagine- NOT fun! However, I am looking forward to the progress I will make and the results at the end. My goal is to be in the best shape I ever have been.... we shall see! Wish me luck :)


  1. you can do it :o)

    proud of you!!!

  2. girl you can do it!! your an inspiration. I'm much like you and i'm not a workout girl but back in 2007 I joined the gym here in Griffin and like you met some girls and feel in love with going. Went hard core for about 18months and then when we went to the beach I was out for a week and feel off the wagon TOTALLY! We have boot camp too and I love it but be careful! only push yourself as hard as your body will let you go. I was doing tricept push ups on the bench and decided to push my limits and put my legs all the way out I did about 3 and didn't feel like I was having much problems and on the way down for my 4th one we all heard a HUGE pop. Girl I had cracked my sternum in half and torn 3 ribs off of the sternum on the left side. (I was pretty in shape having had worked out 2hours a night for about 18months and had already lost 46 lbs). So have lots of fun but be safe :)
