So I was off work today- not because it was a holiday. Mrs. Mary, Judah's sitter, had a doctors appointment today. We just LOVE Mrs. Mary to pieces.... she is like another grandmother to our JZ. Josh and I are so thankful for Mrs. Mary in so many ways- first, she loves Judah so much, he does not have to go to daycare where many kids stay sick, she is close to home, and there are only 2 other children there only 3 days a week (just to name a few), so Judah gets a lot of one on one time! Mrs. Mary talks about how much she misses him when he is not there.
Our day started off with breakfast- bottle then cereal- No it did not start off with a trip to the gym for me, that will be tomorrow for Boot Camp. After that was play time- we started off on the floor playing with toys and seeing if Judah would be interested in crawling- no such luck! After that was a short nap. Next it was time spent playing in his exersaucer- he loves it! While Judah was in his exersaucer, he showed off some of his newest tricks (see video below). Judah is now saying "Dadda" all the time and he also waves! It is so cute! I know I am a proud momma, but it is the best to hear him talk! After all this excitement, Judah and I went and visited with Mamama, my grandmother, for a few minutes. She is so funny! Anytime spent with her will always bring some good laughs. Up next was a Wal-mart trip. We spent 1 1/2 hours there and JZ was SO good, even though he was tired. Once we got home, Judah went straight down for his afternoon nap. It was perfect timing because while he was sleeping, I was able to put away the groceries and make baby food. I made squash, carrots, and pears- yummy! Now he is up and playing again.
Although I really enjoy my job and Josh and I are SO THANKFUL for Mrs. Mary, I could REALLY get used to days like this with my boy! How much longer until summer? Just kidding!
Sorry it is sideways.
He is such a cutie and getting sooo big!!